Latest Episodes
In this episode, we talk about several gun-related stories in local media: a good guy with a gun, Ja Morant and Gov. Bill Lee.
In this Episode, we discuss MPD’s Juvenile Crime Abatement program for the Downtown Memphis area.
While people come up missing quite regularly, for a variety of reasons, few, if any, have resonated in the public consciousness like Eliza Fletcher, whose missing report turned into a kidnapping and ended in murder. Maybe that explains it. Maybe not. Exploring the resonance is the focus of this episode of the mark up by mediaverse.
When people come to you and ask you to use your platform to amplify their voice, what else are you supposed to do?
If you’re a journalist, given the changes that have occurred in the media landscape, would you come here as a destination or just pass through. That’s the focus of our first episode of Season 2 of the mark up by mediaverse.
If you’re a journalist, given the changes that have occurred in the media landscape, would you come here as a destination or just pass through. That’s the focus of our first episode of Season 2 of the mark up by mediaverse.
In Chapter 4: Mason (v.) Tennessee, we examine the fight between the city of Mason and the state Comptroller’s office.
In Chapter 4: Mason (v.) Tennessee, we examine the fight between the city of Mason and the state Comptroller’s office.
In Chapter 4: Mason (v.) Tennessee, we examine the fight between the city of Mason and the state Comptroller’s office.
In Chapter 4: Mason (v.) Tennessee, we examine the fight between the city of Mason and the state Comptroller’s office.
When democracy is under assault, what should journalists do? Will we protect democracy or just watch what happens? From observing to protecting democracy, that’s the focus of Chapter 3 of the markup by mediaverse.
When democracy is under assault, what should journalists do? Will we protect democracy or just watch what happens? From observing to protecting democracy, that’s the focus of Chapter 3 of the markup by mediaverse.
When democracy is under assault, what should journalists do? Will we protect democracy or just watch what happens? From observing to protecting democracy, that’s the focus of Chapter 3 of the markup by mediaverse.
When democracy is under assault, what should journalists do? Will we protect democracy or just watch what happens? From observing to protecting democracy, that’s the focus of Chapter 3 of the markup by mediaverse.
How crime stats measure and the reporting on what those measurements may mean-- on an annual, quarterly or even monthly basis -- is a routine practice of local journalism. It’s benchmarking. And while there are a number of crimes that occur, none is benchmarked and followed so closely like homicides.
That’s our focus for Chapter 2: examining reporting that benchmarks crime stats like homicides -- or better yet, Homicidal Math.